Thursday, April 9, 2009


Ok, so apparently, I have another blog out there. and as I do recall I started a blog when my friend Tanya started hers so I could post comments to her blog. So, I blogged a couple of weeks ago and I could not find my post anywhere on this blog, so if you would like to view it, here is that link. And I am sure this is not the last time I will do this. I am still trying to figure out how to get rid of that blog.

Nate has really been changing in the last couple of weeks. He really likes to throw fits now and he has foiled me a time or two into thinking he was truly hurt. One instance was that he tried to go out the doggy door-which he tries just about everyday. Well, he has learned that he can touch the doggy door, look at mommy, get a reaction, touch it again, look at mommy, get another reaction, then try to head outside only to get a swat from mommy. He does not mind the swat so much as being told 'no'. From the beginning, humans have been disobedient-look at Adam and Eve. I am definitely seeing that now in Nate. Is it a bad thing, yes, sometimes. But I see the positive in it. I have been given the role as a mother to a defiant child, to rear him as I see fit. It is the most rewarding and toughest job I have ever had. I always think too much and I do this alot when I am disciplining Nate. I think, "If I do this or that will he turn out to be a felon?" Ok, so sometimes I am irrational, but I do know that the Lord has called us to discipline our children. And we discipline not because we want to punish our kids-although I am sure it has crossed our minds-we discipline because we love our kids and we want the best for them. This reminds me of my childhood and the way my dad was with his disciplinary actions. I always though he was too harsh and he was no fun because he would never let me do anything I thought was fun. Now, I am so grateful he loved me enough to discipline my disobedience. I can not imagine if he did not care in the least bit how I would live my life. So, thanks Dad.

I think it will be no time before Nate is walking. The last couple of days he has been standing on his own for a few seconds. No steps just testing the waters. Well hopefully this will post to the right blog...until next time!